We BUY, SELL & TRADE records !!!
Spot Records offers a very specific selection of well selected rap/hiphop releases. We also carry older classics & rare/obscure indie records for collectors and/or DJ's. If you're looking for something specific we don't have in stock, please get at us over the contact form with your wants and we'll get back to you as soon as possible with our most reasonable offer. You can also contact us if you want to sell your records or if you would be interested into a trade.
LP's (new additions)
EP's (new additions)
12"-es (new additions)
7"-es (new additions)
CD's (new additions)
Tapes (new additions)
Sale Items !!!

Gift Voucher

...diggin' in the crates...
If you want to dig through our crates physically (like back in the days), you can contact us to arrange an appointment.
You can also choose the 'pick-up' option at the checkout and arrange a pick-up date.